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本课程让你掌握Notion AI的使用,让你的创意更加丰富,写作又快又好。还有我的私房写作法哦!



Are you racking your brain for headlines every day, dreaming about typing, and losing your hair from deadline pressure?

Don't worry, learn the new writing methods of the AI era! Otherwise, you really will be replaced by AI!

Notion is a powerful AI-assisted writing tool, whether for writing wikis, documents, copywriting, or articles. Once, we dreamed of inputting text without having to type on a keyboard, and now, with Notion, it can really be achieved. Describe your ideas and creativity, and Notion will automatically generate text for you. It's amazing!

This course will let you master the use of Notion AI, making your creativity richer, and your writing both faster and better. Plus, you'll get access to my private writing methods!

Thought changes behavior, action changes results.

Don't hesitate, I'm waiting for you in the classroom!

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本课程让你掌握Notion AI的使用,让你的创意更加丰富,写作又快又好。还有我的私房写作法哦!



Are you racking your brain for headlines every day, dreaming about typing, and losing your hair from deadline pressure?

Don't worry, learn the new writing methods of the AI era! Otherwise, you really will be replaced by AI!

Notion is a powerful AI-assisted writing tool, whether for writing wikis, documents, copywriting, or articles. Once, we dreamed of inputting text without having to type on a keyboard, and now, with Notion, it can really be achieved. Describe your ideas and creativity, and Notion will automatically generate text for you. It's amazing!

This course will let you master the use of Notion AI, making your creativity richer, and your writing both faster and better. Plus, you'll get access to my private writing methods!

Thought changes behavior, action changes results.

Don't hesitate, I'm waiting for you in the classroom!

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Why do this course? What are its benefits?

This course has been created by combining the power of Generative AI with Human Cognition and Know-how to boost your growth skills PH!

The objective and benefits of this course are for you to:

1. Learn more about 80+ top skills in demand in the industry and workplaces globally.

2. Experience a skills quiz to self-assess your personal Potential (P) and Happiness (H) on each of these skills

3. Learn from the skills quiz experience and be able to retake the quiz to validate your learning

4. Get actionable inputs to build and sharpen each of these skills in a variety of ways

With this, you will learn, self-assess, and sharpen 80+ essential skills to boost your productivity, performance, and progress happily!

What else do you get? (Optional and based on your pH inputs on all skills)

You can voluntarily choose to share their skills PH on all the skills, using an online form. When you choose to do that, it is essential that you use the same email ID as registered on this course.  You will then get a personalized report emailed based on your input.

The report will contain:

  • Your Cognitive, Technological, Social-Emotional, and Physical skills categories profile

  • Your rationalised skills PH score, and

  • Five suited career paths with their curated information and future outlook

Who should enroll and experience this course?

  • Anyone curious about skills, growth, productivity, performance, and progress

  • Learning and Development leaders driving human resource development

  • Training and placement officers driving campus placements for students

  • College students in the midst of transitioning from campus  to corporate

  • Individuals and team members in corporate businesses

  • Entrepreneurs, professionals, and home-makers

In real life, multiple skills are required to be intertwined during execution. For example, conversation skills and social skills combined with sales skills are essential for the survival and growth of sales resources. These set of soft skills are as essential as their product knowledge. Thus it is important for everyone to sharpen and strengthen these 80+ intertwined skills. You will find this course to be of personal and professional value to upskill. survive and thrive by boosting your productivity, performance, and progress.

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Why do this course? What are its benefits?

This course has been created by combining the power of Generative AI with Human Cognition and Know-how to boost your growth skills PH!

The objective and benefits of this course are for you to:

1. Learn more about 80+ top skills in demand in the industry and workplaces globally.

2. Experience a skills quiz to self-assess your personal Potential (P) and Happiness (H) on each of these skills

3. Learn from the skills quiz experience and be able to retake the quiz to validate your learning

4. Get actionable inputs to build and sharpen each of these skills in a variety of ways

With this, you will learn, self-assess, and sharpen 80+ essential skills to boost your productivity, performance, and progress happily!

What else do you get? (Optional and based on your pH inputs on all skills)

You can voluntarily choose to share their skills PH on all the skills, using an online form. When you choose to do that, it is essential that you use the same email ID as registered on this course.  You will then get a personalized report emailed based on your input.

The report will contain:

  • Your Cognitive, Technological, Social-Emotional, and Physical skills categories profile

  • Your rationalised skills PH score, and

  • Five suited career paths with their curated information and future outlook

Who should enroll and experience this course?

  • Anyone curious about skills, growth, productivity, performance, and progress

  • Learning and Development leaders driving human resource development

  • Training and placement officers driving campus placements for students

  • College students in the midst of transitioning from campus  to corporate

  • Individuals and team members in corporate businesses

  • Entrepreneurs, professionals, and home-makers

In real life, multiple skills are required to be intertwined during execution. For example, conversation skills and social skills combined with sales skills are essential for the survival and growth of sales resources. These set of soft skills are as essential as their product knowledge. Thus it is important for everyone to sharpen and strengthen these 80+ intertwined skills. You will find this course to be of personal and professional value to upskill. survive and thrive by boosting your productivity, performance, and progress.


Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey that fuses the art of storytelling with the cutting-edge power of AI? Welcome to our immersive course: "How to Write STORIES, Drama & Screenplays with AI & ChatGPT." Unleash your creativity and master the art of crafting captivating narratives that blur the lines between human genius and the limitless potential of AI language models.

Whether you aspire to become a prolific novelist, a renowned playwright, or a sought-after screenwriter, this course will equip you with the essential skills to elevate your storytelling to new heights. Get ready to explore the seamless collaboration between human imagination and the innovative capabilities of ChatGPT.

Calling all storytellers, dream weavers, and narrative enthusiasts! Are you eager to unlock the full potential of AI to enhance your storytelling prowess? Look no further, as "How to Write STORIES, Drama & Screenplays with AI & ChatGPT" offers you an unparalleled opportunity to revolutionize your creative process.

Harness the power of AI language models, such as ChatGPT, to co-create gripping stories, heart-wrenching dramas, and cinematic screenplays that leave your audience mesmerized. Our course is tailored to empower writers, playwrights, and screenwriters of all levels, guiding you through the seamless integration of AI with your imaginative prowess.

You'll discover the art of crafting compelling prompts that extract the very best from AI language models, allowing you to effortlessly generate plot twists, multi-dimensional characters, and captivating dialogue. Witness the magic unfold as your ideas interlace with the brilliance of AI, enriching your storytelling in ways you never thought possible.

Join our vibrant community of storytellers and AI enthusiasts, where you'll engage with experienced instructors and like-minded peers who share your passion for pushing the boundaries of creative expression. Through interactive exercises and practical lessons, you'll gain hands-on experience in leveraging AI to elevate your storytelling to unprecedented levels.

Don't miss out on this chance to unleash your creative potential and become a trailblazer in the realm of storytelling with AI. Enroll now in "How to Write STORIES, Drama & Screenplays with AI & ChatGPT," and embark on an exciting journey that will shape the future of narrative artistry. Your stories will never be the same again!


Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey that fuses the art of storytelling with the cutting-edge power of AI? Welcome to our immersive course: "How to Write STORIES, Drama & Screenplays with AI & ChatGPT." Unleash your creativity and master the art of crafting captivating narratives that blur the lines between human genius and the limitless potential of AI language models.

Whether you aspire to become a prolific novelist, a renowned playwright, or a sought-after screenwriter, this course will equip you with the essential skills to elevate your storytelling to new heights. Get ready to explore the seamless collaboration between human imagination and the innovative capabilities of ChatGPT.

Calling all storytellers, dream weavers, and narrative enthusiasts! Are you eager to unlock the full potential of AI to enhance your storytelling prowess? Look no further, as "How to Write STORIES, Drama & Screenplays with AI & ChatGPT" offers you an unparalleled opportunity to revolutionize your creative process.

Harness the power of AI language models, such as ChatGPT, to co-create gripping stories, heart-wrenching dramas, and cinematic screenplays that leave your audience mesmerized. Our course is tailored to empower writers, playwrights, and screenwriters of all levels, guiding you through the seamless integration of AI with your imaginative prowess.

You'll discover the art of crafting compelling prompts that extract the very best from AI language models, allowing you to effortlessly generate plot twists, multi-dimensional characters, and captivating dialogue. Witness the magic unfold as your ideas interlace with the brilliance of AI, enriching your storytelling in ways you never thought possible.

Join our vibrant community of storytellers and AI enthusiasts, where you'll engage with experienced instructors and like-minded peers who share your passion for pushing the boundaries of creative expression. Through interactive exercises and practical lessons, you'll gain hands-on experience in leveraging AI to elevate your storytelling to unprecedented levels.

Don't miss out on this chance to unleash your creative potential and become a trailblazer in the realm of storytelling with AI. Enroll now in "How to Write STORIES, Drama & Screenplays with AI & ChatGPT," and embark on an exciting journey that will shape the future of narrative artistry. Your stories will never be the same again!

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今回紹介する、Chat GPTとコーチングを統合させたセルフマネジメントの方法を実践すれば、あなたが叶えたかった夢が自分で叶えられるようになります。

実は、Chat GPTはあなたにアドバイスをくれるだけでなく、コーチになるように教育をすることで、あなた自身が考え意思決定していくための手助けもしてくれます。












3 パリの芸術の歴史について調べること:




しかし、このような具体的なアクションプランを得るには、適切なタイミングで、適切な指示をChat GPTに出さなくてはなりません。

このような情報はまだ世の中には出回っていないため、多くの人はChat GPTにコーチングはできないと考えているのが現状です。

本講座では最もメジャーなコーチングの流れであるGROWモデルに沿って、Chat GPTを活用する方法をテンプレートで紹介しているので、誰でも普段から身近にコーチがいるような状態を作り出すことができるようになります。





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今回紹介する、Chat GPTとコーチングを統合させたセルフマネジメントの方法を実践すれば、あなたが叶えたかった夢が自分で叶えられるようになります。

実は、Chat GPTはあなたにアドバイスをくれるだけでなく、コーチになるように教育をすることで、あなた自身が考え意思決定していくための手助けもしてくれます。












3 パリの芸術の歴史について調べること:




しかし、このような具体的なアクションプランを得るには、適切なタイミングで、適切な指示をChat GPTに出さなくてはなりません。

このような情報はまだ世の中には出回っていないため、多くの人はChat GPTにコーチングはできないと考えているのが現状です。

本講座では最もメジャーなコーチングの流れであるGROWモデルに沿って、Chat GPTを活用する方法をテンプレートで紹介しているので、誰でも普段から身近にコーチがいるような状態を作り出すことができるようになります。






Have you ever wanted to write a book but found it too hard to finish? Well, guess what? With ChatGPT, it's easier than ever to make your dream come true! You'll even get not one, but TWO complete books by the end of this course!

This is a course for everyone, whether you're a pro writer or just starting. No need to be a techie or a professional writer.

I'll guide you step-by-step through the entire process, breaking down complex concepts into simple, easy-to-understand instructions. By the end of this adventure, you'll have a captivating fiction book and an informative non-fiction book, both written with the help of ChatGPT.

But that's not all! We'll go beyond just using ChatGPT. You'll also learn the essential elements of fiction and non-fiction writing, giving you a well-rounded understanding of the craft. I'll show you how to format your eBook for self-publication and even guide you through generating the perfect AI-generated book cover, making your books look professional and eye-catching.

To make things even better, you'll get a special Writer's template eBook with helpful prompts. It's like having a secret tool for endless book ideas!

Are you excited yet? Join me now, and let's turn your writing dreams into reality with ChatGPT. You'll finish the course feeling confident and ready to share your stories with the world. Don't wait another moment; enroll today and let's get started! See you in class!


Have you ever wanted to write a book but found it too hard to finish? Well, guess what? With ChatGPT, it's easier than ever to make your dream come true! You'll even get not one, but TWO complete books by the end of this course!

This is a course for everyone, whether you're a pro writer or just starting. No need to be a techie or a professional writer.

I'll guide you step-by-step through the entire process, breaking down complex concepts into simple, easy-to-understand instructions. By the end of this adventure, you'll have a captivating fiction book and an informative non-fiction book, both written with the help of ChatGPT.

But that's not all! We'll go beyond just using ChatGPT. You'll also learn the essential elements of fiction and non-fiction writing, giving you a well-rounded understanding of the craft. I'll show you how to format your eBook for self-publication and even guide you through generating the perfect AI-generated book cover, making your books look professional and eye-catching.

To make things even better, you'll get a special Writer's template eBook with helpful prompts. It's like having a secret tool for endless book ideas!

Are you excited yet? Join me now, and let's turn your writing dreams into reality with ChatGPT. You'll finish the course feeling confident and ready to share your stories with the world. Don't wait another moment; enroll today and let's get started! See you in class!